Note Taking for the Plain

I love plaintext. Especially for taking notes. It's simple, it's readable, and I don't have to fuss about fomatting. I just use indentation with tabs. For notes on a local machine, this works just fine: I have a file open in Sublime Text (which has been one of the best purchases I've ever made) that I edit each morning and evening with notes on my current tasks. But for notes that I want to use across machines, this doesn't work. And unfortunately, Google docs doesn't support plaintext.

Fear not! There is a solution for those of us who love the simplicity of plaintext: TextDrop. TextDrop is a cloud plaintext editor that uses your DropBox account and has a unique pricing model based on the number of current subscribers. Once you are subscribed, you are locked into that price for life. As of writing, the price is quite low: I'm paying around two dollars a year.

This has been a godsend for my Leetcoding notes, which I wanted in the cloud so I could take notes in the browser across two machines while solving problems.

There's just something about plain old ASCII and tab indents that can't be beat!